Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Springtime?! Maybe!

It's finally starting to warm up here in Michigan.  The past few days have been 60 degrees!  As happy as I am about that, I have that thought in the back of my mind, that it could easily snow at any given time.  That's what you get when you live in Michigan!  You've always got the dreaded worry about it snowing.  

We've had snow fall in MAY here.  Yes, you read that right, MAY.  But, that's what I love about Michigan.  Ole' Mother Nature makes sure we get to enjoy all the seasons.  Even if they sometimes mix together, and overlap.  For example, you could wake up to frost one morning,  by noon it's sunny and gorgeous, and in the evening, you'll get a slight sprinkle of snow.  I've honestly seen that happen. It's never happened in the summer though!! !:D 

This brings me to my question of the day, what's your favorite season?  Mine?  Hockey season.  No, I'm kidding, haha.  I love summer. I love warm summer mornings, spent watching my little play outside.  I love warm summer nights, sleeping with the windows open.  I love all the holidays in the summer.  Labor Day Weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, and of course, the Fourth of July!!!

So what's your favorite season?

Friday, March 20, 2015

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

It's been far too long since I've posted! 

Winter always puts me into a slump.  I get down and out, and my productivity goes to a standstill.  

Do you have issues in the winter? SAD?  The Winter Blues?  (Yes, it gets capitalized because it's a big deal!)  

Now that the snow has melted, and the sun is out more, I am ready to roll! It was a whopping 50 degrees here in Michigan today!  Time to crank the windows down, and crank the radio up! 

I've been working on adding a couple of venues to sell my items, I'm still staying away from Etsy though. I have my Storenvy and in the coming weeks, I will be a featured artisan on Bellechic, and have a permanent shop there, instead of a monthly feature.

There are a lot of new products in my store, and a lot more in the works.  I have recently invested in a vinyl cutter, so lots of vinyl stuff along with my sewn stuff!  

I just wanted to touch base! Look forward to an awesome blog from here on out! 


Sunday, January 11, 2015

*Sneak Peak*!!!

Here's a quick sneak peek at some goodies going up! 

I was up north, at a fabric shop. I stumbled upon this awesome paper doll fabric. I created paper dolls! They have felt on the back, and are very sturdy! 

The best part about them? No rips, tears, bends, or folds! 

She is my favorite....so far! 

Want to see another? 

There are 12 dolls in all, and they are all made to look like they're from different countries! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!! 

I am a little late, wishing y'all a Happy New Year, huh?  Lots of new things coming this way.  I've decided to take my business in a different direction, well, a few different directions.  

I LOVE all crafts.  Even more than loving all crafts, I love sharing all crafts.  

For example, did you know I knit?  I crochet? I cut vinyl? Yep! I also embroider.  Haha. Crochet and knitting were my "first" crafts.  I find them so relaxing!  Pretty stuff usually comes out of the deal, as well.  Anyway, I have been crocheting and knitting a lot more than usually late.  I figured I would add the completed items to my store as well! Why not? I think they're pretty awesome, and I bet you will too.

A lot of times, shops with mixed media are frowned upon, and often skipped over. Why is this? I don't feel as if it's giving people like myself a fair shake!  

Speaking of shops.  If you haven't heard, I'm in the process of moving my shop from Etsy to Storenvy.  I am doing this for a number of reasons.  The first and most important one is the fees that Etsy charges.  After doing some book keeping from my sales last year, and what I've paid in fees, I'm not very happy with where I'm ending up.  In order to be happy, I would have to raise my prices a bit! I'm not about doing that, because I've always tried to make myself and my family some money, but remain affordable at the same time.  I don't think a customer should bear the brunt of that.

My second reason is because Etsy is supposed to be handmade, right?  Well, handmade products, and supplies.  There are people on there selling stuff that is mass produced in factories, and passing it off as handmade. Etsy is aware of these folks, and has done nothing to stop it. 

On to the new business ideas.  I want to work on offering a variety of items.  Like I said, embroidered, sewn, knitted, crocheted, and some vinyl decals.  I know that seems like a lot, but I promise my shop will be well organized, and maintained.  There will be weekly uploads, starting next week.  I will still do the Instagram auctions once or twice a month. There will be lots of notice before I do those, so everyone has a chance to check out the items, and bid.  

A quick note here - because of the hand made nature of my items, some may take longer to ship.  I will include production times on each listing, so there's no confusion!

Let's bring in this New Year right! 

Oh, my resolutions?  Get more organized, stay organized, and to be held accountable for my goals.  So, I guess you can say this post here, yep, the one you're reading, is not only to inform you of the changes, but to keep myself accountable! 

Here's the link to the new shop, I'm slowly working on getting stuff up and going over there!